The Weierstrass Institute is represented with five contributions at this year’s conference “Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX“ taking place virtually from the 15th until the 19th of June, 2020. From the conference home page:
“The goal of the symposium is to bring together mathematicians, physicists, and engineers interested in physically motivated discretizations and their application. Contributions to the further advancement of the theoretical understanding of suitable finite volume, finite element, discontinuous Galerkin and other discretization schemes, and the exploration of new application fields for them including software related improvements are also welcome. “
WIAS contributions:
- Non-isothermal Scharfetter-Gummel scheme for electro-thermal transport simulation in degenerate semiconductors (Markus Kantner and Thomas Koprucki)
- Challenges in drift-diffusion semiconductor simulations
(Patricio Farrell and Dirk Peschka)
- Unipolar Drift-Diffusion Simulation of S-shaped Current-Voltage Relations for Organic Semiconductor Devices (Duy-Hai Doan, Jürgen Fuhrmann, Annegret Glitzky, Matthias Liero, and Grigor Nika)
- Well-balanced discretisation for the compressible Stokes problem by gradient-robustness (Alexander Link and Christian Merdon)
- On the significance of pressure-robustness for the space discretization of incompressible high Reynolds number flows (Christian Merdon and Alexander Linke)
Moreover, the FVCA9 book has just been published and can be found here .